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 Dove sono: MeteoShop > Meteorologia > Calendario > Calendario meteorologico ems 2016




Dmg , 2015
28 pagine, A colori, libro fotografico,
cop. in brossura, dim. 42 x 28 cm .
Sconto di € 2 per i soci SMI 

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Livello: Universitario | Voto:
Giudizio Recensione

Disponibile entro 2-3 giorni lavorativi + spedizione
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DESCRIZIONE (a cura dell'Editore)

12 belle fotografie meteorologiche di grande formato, più la copertina, ci accompagnano mese per mese durante tutto il nuovo anno. Sul retro di ogni pagina troviamo un ampio commento bilingua (inglese,  tedesco) relativo all’argomento meteorologico rappresentato dalla fotografia del mese. Il tema scelto per quest’anno è: “Energia meteorologica”. Non solo un calendario, quindi, ma un vero e proprio libretto ricco di informazioni, da conservare e collezionare. Un corposo lavoro curato da un team europeo di specialisti, con la supervisione con la supervisione della Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft (DMG).




Halo mit Nebensonnen, bei Lillehammer, Norwegen, 12. Januar 2014
Foto: Jørn Allan Pedersen


Extremer Reifansatz, Gipfelregion Javornik, Slowenien, 9. Dezember 2014,
Foto: Marko Korošec


Farbenprächtiger Sonnenaufgang, Øyer bei Lillehammer, Norwegen, 25. Januar 2015,
Foto: Jørn Allan Pedersen


Eisbeere, nahe Braunschweig, Niedersachsen, 25. Dezember 2010,
Foto: Jürgen Mangelsdorf



Birkenallee, Schwaigwall Oberland bei Bad Tölz, Bayern, 17. Februar 2014

Foto: Helmut Reichelt


Farbenpracht, bei Bad Nauheim, Hessen, 11. Mai 2014

Foto: Boris Jordan


Mammatus-Wolken vor einem starken Bow-Echo, Kreis Büllingen (deutsch-belgischen Grenze),
9. Juni 2014

Foto: Boris Jordan

Wüsten-Spannung, Kalahari (Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park), Südafrika, September 2014
Foto: Alexander Riek


Zirkumhorizontalbogen, Rheinstetten, Baden-Württemberg, 26. Juni 2014,

Foto: Hans Richard Henkes

Abziehendes Unwetter, südliche Great Plains, Texas, USA, 7. Mai 2013,

Foto: James Bowers

„Cascada″, Cumbre Nueva, La Palma, Spanien, 4. Oktober 2014

Foto: Claudia Rubart


Vulkanglühen, Gletschersee Jökulsárlón, Island, 4. September 2014

Foto: Martin Scholz


Eruption des Vulkans Holuhraun, zentrales Hochland, Island, 5. Oktober 2014

Foto: Dennis Polkläser

Commento a cura degli autori
This ″Meteorological Calendar“ of the German Meteorological Society (DMG) for the year 2016 intends to accompany you through the year with impressive photographs of meteorological phenomena. This bilingual calendar sets itself clearly apart from the usual photo calendars: The motives of the face pages are explained in scientific but readily understandable terms and on the reverse side of the calendar pages a variety of scientific topics is presented in text and figures. The calendar corresponds to the specific aim of the German Meteorological Society to promote interest in the processes of the atmosphere and to spread knowledge of meteorology.

This year’s calendar is on the theme of Energy Meteorology. This relatively new and currently very topical field of meteorological research and application is concerned with the use of renewable forms of energy. Not only the wind and solar energy availability but also the energy consumption is directly dependent on the weather conditions. To ensure a consistent, reliable energy supply, specific forecasts are therefore required. In addition, site evaluation reports must be produced and specific problems, such as icing, solved.
With this year’s edition of the calendar we would also like to highlight the artistic and aesthetic aspects of the weather, especially relating to wind and currents. A corresponding article can be found on the reverse side of most of the pages.

Our special thanks go to the DMG’s Working Group on Energy Meteorology for the articles, notes and advice. We would also like to thank the ″Cloud Appreciation Society″ for their kind assistance in helping us contact some of the photographers used for this calendar.




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